
About Me

My name is Florian Thake and I am a professional C++ developer and C++ language expert with 15+ years of high qualified experiences.

I am interested in to operate as an “Individual Entrepreneur” and searching for tasks/projects on a freelance level but I am also developing / working on own projects for educational use.
My biggest own project is actually TeaScript (Github).

In the software developing area I mostly like to work on Library and Module level for background / server applications (or general purpose) as well as in the area of software architecture and API level.

I don’t like and I am less good in all UI related tasks, especially when it comes to custom drawings.

My (technical) skills are

  • Multi-threading (also bug hunting in that area)
    • Parallel pattern and the principles of parallel computing
  • Performance optimizing
  • Software design and architecture
    • Design pattern
  • Teaching and training concrete aspects of C++ programming and design
  • Problem analysis (also issues discovered by your customers)
  • Code analysis / review
  • Module / API design

During my work as an employee, I gained a lot of experience (beside others) in the fields of multi-threading programming, performant disk and network I/O as well as designing software modules and their internal APIs.
Also, I was happy to gain experience in the area of in-house C++ trainings as the trainer/presenter.

A reference letter from my last employer is available on request. contact <the-at-symbol> tea-age.solutions

Platforms / Social

You can find me on:

Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/florian-thake-b71a1a252/

Xing https://www.xing.com/profile/Florian_Thake/cv

Stackoverflow https://stackoverflow.com/users/5779411/teaage-solutions

Github https://github.com/Florian-Thake

Curriculum vitae

Work experience

Since 2022:
Independent Gentleman / Individual Entrepreneur  (CEO & Senior Software Engineer)

From 2012 until 2021:
Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG   (Senior Software Developer)

From 2006 until 2011:
DVS Digital Video Systems AG (Software Developer)
(This company does not exist
as a distinct entity anymore

I speak German (native) as well as English (as you can read).

Support my work

If you want to support my work, especially to further develop TeaScript and to run this website, you can do this by a donation of your choice via Paypal:


The donation will be for covering the monthly and yearly costs as well as for free personal use. All donations will help me to put more time and effort into TeaScript and this webpage. Thank you very much! 🙂


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