TeaScript 0.9.0 ist seit 02. Feb. 2022 veröffentlicht und ist jetzt als Download verfügbar. 🌞
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TeaScript ist erhältlich
als Host Application für Windows 10/11
als Host Application für Linux (Ubuntu 22.04.) 🔥NEU🔥
als C++ Library 🔥NEU🔥
Ein Snapshot der C++ Library befindet sich auch auf Github. (Das Bundle von hier enthält jedoch mehr Beispiel-Skripte.)
TeaScript ist eine Multi-Paradigma Skriptsprache nah am C++ Syntax aber einfacher zu verwenden.
Bette die TeaScript C++ Library in deine Anwendung mit der einfach zu verwendenden und modernen C++ API ein (header only – keine Abhängigkeiten) und erweitere deine Anwendung mit allem was du brauchst dynamisch zur Laufzeit.
Lies mehr im Artikel zum C++ Skript-Libraries Vergleich (nur Englisch): C++ Script Library Comparison.
Weitere Informationen zu TeaScript und die beeindruckendsten Highlights gibt es hier:
Overview and Highlights of TeaScript
☛☛☛ Teste TeaScript und lade es hier herunter. ☚☚☚
Für die C++ Leserschaft hier ein Auszug aus dem Demo App Code aus dem Library Packet zur Veranschaulichung der TeaScript C++ API.
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2023 Florian Thake <support |at| tea-age.solutions>. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: SEE LICENSE IN LICENSE.txt
* Licensed under the TeaScript Library Standard License. See LICENSE.txt or you may find a copy at
* https://tea-age.solutions/teascript/product-variants/
// TeaScript includes
#include "teascript/version.h"
#include "teascript/Engine.hpp"
//(std includes missing...)
// This test code will add some variables (mutable and const) to the script context
// and then execute script code, which will use them.
void test_code1()
// create the TeaScript default engine.
teascript::Engine engine;
// add 2 integer variables a and b.
engine.AddVar( "a", 2 ); // variable a is mutable with value 2
engine.AddVar( "b", 3 ); // variable b is mutable with value 3
engine.AddConst( "hello", "Hello, World!" ); // variable hello is a const string.
// For Bool exists different named methods because many types could be implicit converted to bool by accident.
// like char * for example.
engine.AddBoolVar( "speak", true ); // variable speak is a Bool with value true.
// execute the script code passed as string. it computes new variable c based on values a and b.
// also it will print the content of the hello variable.
// finnally it returns the value of variable c.
auto const res = engine.ExecuteCode( "const c := a + b\n"
"if( speak ) {\n"
" println( hello )\n"
// print the result.
std::cout << "c is " << res.GetAsInteger() << std::endl;
// this is our simple callback function which we will call from TeaScript code.
// The callback function signature is always ValueObject (*)( Context & )
teascript::ValueObject user_callback( teascript::Context &rContext )
// look up variable 'some_var'
auto const val = rContext.FindValueObject( "some_var" );
// print a message and the value of 'some_var'
std::cout << "Hello from user_callback! some_var = " << val.PrintValue() << std::endl;
// return 'nothing' aka NaV (Not A Value).
return {};
// This test code will register a C++ callback function and then executes a script
// which will call it.
void test_code2()
// create the TeaScript default engine.
teascript::Engine engine;
// register a function as a callback. can use arbitrary names.
engine.RegisterUserCallback( "call_me", user_callback );
// execute the script which will create variable 'some_var' and then call our callback function.
engine.ExecuteCode( "const some_var := \"Hello!\"\n"
"if( is_defined call_me and call_me is Function ) { // safety checks! \n"
" call_me( )\n"
// This is another callback function.
// It will create the sum of 2 passed parameters and return the result to the script.
teascript::ValueObject calc_sum( teascript::Context &rContext )
if( rContext.CurrentParamCount() != 2 ) { // this check could be relaxed also...
// in case of wrong parameter count, throw eval error with current source code location.
throw teascript::exception::eval_error( rContext.GetCurrentSourceLocation(), "Calling calc_sum: Wrong amount of parameters! Expecting 2.");
// get the 2 operands for the calculation.
auto const lhs = rContext.ConsumeParam();
auto const rhs = rContext.ConsumeParam();
// calculate the sum and return result as ValueObject.
return teascript::ValueObject( lhs.GetAsInteger() + rhs.GetAsInteger() );
// This test code will register a callback function and call it from a script with parameters.
void test_code3()
// create the TeaScript default engine.
teascript::Engine engine;
// register a function as a callback. can use arbitrary names.
engine.RegisterUserCallback( "sum", calc_sum );
// execute the script which will call our function
auto const res = engine.ExecuteCode( "sum( 1234, 4321 )\n" );
// print the result.
std::cout << "res is " << res.GetAsInteger() << std::endl;
// This test code demonstrates how arbitrary user data can be transferred into function callbacks.
void test_code4()
// assume this is our important application/business context...
struct MyUserContext
unsigned int magic_number = 0xcafecafe;
} mycontext;
// a capturing lambda is one way, using std::bind another....
auto lambda = [&]( teascript::Context & /*rContext*/ ) -> teascript::ValueObject {
// here we have access to all captured variables. So, we can use our context and have access to all members.
return teascript::ValueObject( static_cast<teascript::Integer>( mycontext.magic_number ) );
// create the TeaScript default engine.
teascript::Engine engine;
// register the lambda as callback. can use arbitrary names.
engine.RegisterUserCallback( "getmagic", lambda );
// execute the script which will call our function
auto const res = engine.ExecuteCode( "getmagic()\n" );
// print the result.
std::cout << "res is " << std::hex << res.GetAsInteger() << std::endl;
// Executes a TeaScript file and returns its result.
// This function has a very basic feature set. The TeaScript Host Application has more capabilities.
// Beside other features it also comes with an interactive shell, REPL, debug options and time measurement.
// The TeaScript Host Application can be downloaded for free here: https://tea-age.solutions/downloads/
int exec_script_file( std::vector<std::string> &args )
args.erase( args.begin() ); // we don't need the program name
std::string const filename = args.front(); // copy script filename
args.erase( args.begin() ); // ... and remove it. the script args are left over (if any)
std::filesystem::path const script( std::filesystem::absolute( teascript::util::utf8_path( filename ) ) );
// create the TeaScript default engine.
teascript::Engine engine;
try {
// and execute the script file.
auto const res = engine.ExecuteScript( script, args );
// does the script end via any exit( code ) ?
if( engine.HasExitCode() ) {
std::cout << "script exit code: " << engine.GetExitCode() << std::endl;
return static_cast<int>(engine.GetExitCode());
} else if( res.HasPrintableValue() ) { // does it return a printable result?
std::cout << "result: " << res.PrintValue() << std::endl;
} catch( teascript::exception::runtime_error const &ex ) {
teascript::util::pretty_print( ex );
} catch( std::exception const &ex ) {
std::cout << "Exception: " << ex.what() << std::endl;